Is It Forgetfulness? Memory Supplements To Remember Better and Faster

Have you thought about taking memory supplements because you're concerned about the things you're forgetting? Worried it might be the onset of dementia or Alzheimer's? Or could it just be part of the aging process that you forget more and more?
If you know you should remember more than you are, it might be a few natural processes, or it could be something more. People routinely have forgetfulness and absent-minded moments. The vast amounts of data we are exposed to on a regular basis makes this more likely.
Genuine forgetfulness is your brain discarding certain pieces of information to make room for new things. Absent-mindedness is when your brain is focused on one task, and you do something else—for example, not remembering where your keys are because you set them down while you were on the phone.
Fortunately, there are ways to improve your memory.
Why Young People Can't Remember Their Homework and Other Memory Problems
The combination of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness really hits home when you have homework or projects due, and you suddenly forget the deadline, or you're missing a critical piece of information.
You felt that panic of not being prepared and having to scramble to figure out how to fix it. Maybe you've tried the tricks to remember things like writing it down, silly rhymes, or text reminders to avoid feeling like that.
More than likely, you should be facing the reality that you may not have enough nutrients for your brain to function optimally. Especially among college attendees and newly into the workforce, they tend to eat processed foods that are devoid and key nutrients.
Mainly, fats and B vitamins go missing.
Here's the thing:
You need adequate B vitamins and fatty acids for your brain to function correctly. And, to form memories, you also have to have choline. This is an amino acid that takes many different forms within the brain to create memory, enhance memory recall, and increase thinking speed.
Unfortunately, these vitamins, fatty acids, and amino acid tend to be quite deficient in people who eat processed foods.
Forgetfulness Isn't Part of Natural Aging
Routine forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are not a natural part of aging. It's a sign of stress, insufficient nutrients, and not enough sleep to allow the brain to function at optimal levels.
Fortunately, there are numerous things you can do to resolve this, including getting more sleep. But, if sleep evades you, you can focus on getting the right nutrients into your system. This helps both your memory recall and your ability to get rest. Let's look at three of them:
The Alzheimer's Association recommends ashwagandha to help battle memory loss and keep the brain healthy. It helps inhibit the formation of certain types of plaque that are toxic to brain cells. This plaque is found abundantly in people with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's.
B Vitamins - Alpha Glycerol Phosphoryl Choline & B6
The vitamin class known as Vitamin B consists of twelve formally named B vitamins and a few others that are very similar. Prominent among those are vitamin B6 and choline. Choline is a neurotransmitter that helps form nerve cells, protects from oxidative damage, and prevents degeneration. Alpha glycerol phosphorylcholine is a remarkably bioavailable and potent form used by the brain.
B6 has been shown in studies to decrease the decline in cognitive function. Supplementing vitamin B6 might be a good idea for people with digestive diseases such as celiac, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, and IBS.
Fatty acids, ALA, Phosphatidylserine
Fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, can also help protect your brain from decline. They are often found in rich leafy green vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. Ones like alpha linoleic acid (ALA) and other omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to "have anti-inflammatory and antioxidants effects as well, which means they might promote healthier brain cells and less deterioration of the brain,& says Dr. Scott Mcginnis, an assistant professor in neurology at Harvard Medical School.
Memory Exercises – Are They Worth It?
On top of appropriate supplementation, you should seek out exercise, both physically and mentally. Physical activity helps keep good blood flow to the brain and remove waste products from your body. Mental exercises help form the neural connections that teach you the skills to remember various tasks and objectives. Things like crossword puzzles, memory games, even mental health apps can all give you a benefit.
What's Your Next Step
If you find yourself forgetting things more often, we recommend that you attempt to get a bit more sleep at night, eat a healthier diet rich in fruits and vegetables, exercise, and supplement with the right type of B vitamins and fatty acids that are going to give your body a boost.