
Why Your Muscles Need to Rest and Repair After a Workout
The human body has an amazing ability to adapt to the stress placed on it over time. If you haven’t run a mile in three years, your legs will feel like jelly and your lungs will be on fire the first time you try. However, if you keep running that mile every other day, in a few weeks you’ll hardly break a sweat. That’s because your heart, lungs, and muscles have actually gotten stronger as a result of the work you put them under.
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Achieving Infinite Energy
Even if you are a healthy person, it’s difficult to perform well at work and enjoy your leisure time when you are lacking energy. We all know the essential elements to feeling energized such as adequate sleep, good nutrition, and exercise. Practicing healthy habits consistently is a daunting challenge at times. It’s ironic that the times when it’s hardest to practice healthy lifestyle habits is when we most need the benefits of those habits. 
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