
Everything you eat and drink is processed by your digestive system, which measures, according to the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, about 30 feet end-to-end! In between the “ends” are the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. Each has a part to play in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, as well as elimination of waste.
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Our bodies need many things in order to thrive. Optimal hydration and oxygenation are especially important in the support of the body’s cells, and particularly for the health of our respiratory system as we live, work, and play. The human...
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These days, it is vital that we take the best possible care of our health and wellbeing. This includes protecting our immune system from colds, flu, and other infections that can spell trouble.The powerful yet gentle ozonated ingredients in Paramune Plus help the body combat and eliminate anaerobic organisms for microbial balance, as well as support immune system health and whole-body wellness.
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Our bodies need many things in order to thrive. Optimal hydration and oxygenation are especially important in the support of the body’s cells, and particularly for the health of our respiratory system as we live, work, and play. The human...
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Getting a Cold? Think About Zinc! Over the last two decades, the use of zinc lozenges, nasal swabs, and sprays has increased due to more widespread public knowledge of this mineral’s potential effectiveness to reduce or even eliminate cold symptoms. There...
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