The Difference Between Taking Powder Or Liquid Supplements– Which Will Save You Money?

Powder Form Or Liquid Form – Which Is Better
Each side will tell you their supplement is better. Whether it be cost, dosing, availability, storage, quantity…
What actually is more important is how your body can absorb the nutrients. For example, Vitamin C. Our digestive system can only absorb a limited amount, with diminishing absorption with higher doses. Another example is calcium and magnesium, which compete over being absorbed, usually with calcium winning. That means if you take both at the same time, you don't use the magnesium, and it ends up in the toilet.
We don't have time to go over all the absorption quirks right now. Just know that you're better off with smaller doses more often. That can be a little bit daunting, but you'll be healthier for it.
You should also pay attention to bioavailability. Is the form of the vitamin or mineral supplement how your body can best absorb it? Several years ago, a foreign manufacturer got into trouble because their iron supplement contained iron filings. It provided a very high iron dose in a small capsule, but our bodies cannot absorb iron filings.
Magnesium is another great example. Magnesium aspartate, citrate, lactate are better absorbed than the most commonly available (and cheaper) magnesium oxide.
Also, some nutrients are better off protected from certain parts of our digestive system as they would be part of the natural digestive process. Certain nutrients are wrapped up in fibers, starches, or sugars that get broken down at precise times to release the nutrient where it needs to be absorbed.
This becomes a problem in both powder and liquid forms. If the tablet or capsule you take does not break down quickly, nutrients that could be quickly absorbed aren't. But, nutrients that need a longer time may be destroyed before reaching their destination.
Either way, you will have this problem.
Pros and Cons Of Different Supplements
None of the delivery methods are perfect. They all have good points and bad points, and it’s up to you to determine what works best for your lifestyle and body needs.
Tablets, Capsules, Chewables
- Most cost-effective
- Smallest swallowing size
- Longest shelf life
- Poor dosing flexibility
- Often not most bioavailable form
- Cheap ones not standardized
- May contain fillers that cause an upset stomach or allergic reaction
- Easier for children and the elderly
- Moderate cost
- Moderate shelf life
- Hard to swallow
- Don't taste great
- May contain fillers that cause an upset stomach or allergic reaction
- Easy flexibility with dosing
- Easier for the children and elderly to take
- Usually easier to take once mixed with another fluid
- Expensive
- Shorter shelf life
- Often require refrigeration
Cost Difference Between Powder Form Or Liquid Form
In most cases, liquid supplements will be more expensive. They tend to be more fragile, cost more to make, and have higher transportation and storage requirements than powder or capsules.
But that should not be the only factor. Low-level vitamin supplementation may benefit from the higher quality most liquid supplements have. Taking smaller quantities more often can make the liquid supplementation more practical.
Additionally, liquid supplements are often highly concentrated. A bottle of supplements may seem like an exceptionally large expense, but it may last longer and provide more nutrients than tablets or capsules.
So, Which is Better?
That is still a very hard question to answer. And, unfortunately, we cannot answer that for you. You'll have to take a look at your lifestyle to see which fits in better. Are you able to take liquid supplements, or is the convenience of pills and tablets better for you? Are the nutrients you're seeking better absorbed from a tablet? Do you have space and storage capacity for a liquid supplement?
When you choose your supplement, keep in mind these ideas:
- Cost
- Ease of use
- How often and consistently you take your supplements
- Can you store them easily as they are supposed to be
- What nutrients do you need
Once you answer these questions, you'll be guided to the right answer. Whether you choose a tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid vitamins, supplementing can greatly benefit your health. How you do it is a matter of personal choice and good research.