
How to Keep Your Energy Revving Even During the Toughest Workouts
When playing sports or even just working out, many athletes have a natural tendency to go ‘all out’ from the start, especially if you are a very competitive individual. However, if you’ve ever started out too hard in a workout or competition before, you know how hard it is to recover once you hit your “red line.” Suddenly you feel like you can’t pick up your feet and your fast sprint has slowed to a turtle-like jog.
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Should You Add MSM to Your Supplement Regimen?
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a sulfur compound found in plants, and all vertebrates, including humans. Sulfur is believe to play a role in detoxification, resistance against oxidation, and reduction of exercise-induced inflammation. While MSM naturally occurs in humans, we may not be getting enough of it in our everyday diets. That is why MSM proponents often suggest MSM supplements.
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Why You Should Absolutely Love Your Kidneys
Right now as you read this, your kidneys are working hard to vacuum up toxins and waste from your blood. In just a single day, your kidneys will filter up to 150 quarts of your blood, cleaning it in the process and sending the waste to your bladder where it will be expelled as urine.
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How Common Is Low Libido In Women?
Turn on the television, head to the movie theater, or even pick up your favorite fiction book, and you’re likely to be confronted with passionate kisses, lusty stares, and new relationships cemented with ardent sex. Women can feel frustrated and embarrassed when the flames of lust just aren’t crackling or if their sex drive has taken a trip to the Arctic tundra.
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