Help Fight the Holiday Blues

Help Fight the Holiday Blues

Not everyone feels so jolly and joyful as the holiday season takes off. In fact, the holidays are so well known for triggering bouts of depression that there’s actually a name of the phenomenon – the holiday blues. What causes so many people to feel like their Christmas lights just aren’t shining strong?

Mental health experts have attributed the holiday blues to a number of different sources including:

  • Less rejuvenating sunlight during the long, dark winter days
  • Less time and motivation to exercise
  • Stress related to arranging travel, hosting family, and buying gifts
  • The constant holiday happiness peddled in the media

Almost everyone can agree that the holidays are most difficult for those who don’t have strong family connections and social groups. Since the holidays are deeply defined by togetherness, it can make feelings of loneliness even more acute.

If the holiday blues hit you hard this year, reach out to your friends. Forgive old family wounds. Let the people who love you in the door and take good care of your mind, body, and soul. Our AC Adrenal Cortex formula can help you relax during the holidays and find enjoyment during this special time of the year.