Holiday Stress Getting to You?

Life is stressful on a normal day. Throw the holiday season into the mix, and your stress-o-meter is probably already ticking up. You may have kids begging you to take them costume shopping for Halloween while you try to plan flights home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And you haven’t even started to wade through the boxes of decorations in the attic!
Deep breath. Your adrenals are probably pumping with everything that they’ve got, filling your body with cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress can ravage your body, exhausting your adrenals, tanking your metabolism, and even weakening your immune system so that you get the sniffles on top of everything else.
Holiday stress won’t go away, but you can help your body cope with AC Adrenal Cortex. This all natural formula supports adrenal health and works to balance your hormones so you can enjoy calmer and more positive moods, easier sleep, more energy, and a stronger immune system.