
The French Paradox Explained
In the south west of France—where saturated fats and alcohol consumption are commonplace—The French Paradox observes the fascinating incidence of strikingly low rates of heart disease and obesity related illnesses. According to modern medicine, these factors should make for a very heavy and unhealthy population riddled with cancer, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure.  However, the opposite is true.  The French population has one of the lowest rates of heart disease in the world and it may be related to red wine, or more specifically, the resveratrol within the wine.
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Why Quitting Smoking Can Kill You
Smoking has successfully been labeled as an early ticket to death by the World Health Organization, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and every other medical institution on the face of the planet.  But what are the risks associated with quitting?
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Remembering What You Should Really Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving
The retailers are already gearing up to try to convince you that, once again, you don’t have nearly enough “things” in your life. There are new gadgets that you simply must have unless you want to live in the stone ages like more jewelry to make your friends jealous, and a sleek new car to show off your wealth (or the extent of your credit).
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