Tips for Avoiding the Coronavirus

With the global spread of the highly infectious novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that began in Wuhan, China, it is important to know what steps you can take to help prevent infection. Using simple-yet-effective practices to guard your health, as well as focusing on keeping healthy the areas where coronavirus infections like to incubate--in the sinuses--you can be proactive against infection.
With the global spread of the highly infectious novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that began in Wuhan, China, it is important to know what steps you can take to help prevent infection. Using simple-yet-effective practices to guard your health, as well as focusing on keeping healthy the areas where coronavirus infections like to incubate--in the sinuses--you can be proactive against infection.
We don’t typically think about our sinuses when we have the common cold (which is a member of the coronavirus family). These air-filled pockets in the skull are located on each side of the nose between the eyes, as well as on each side of the forehead. Each sinus has an opening connected to the nose, and because humans touch their face an average of 3.6 times per hour, it is an easy route for germs to make their way from something you touched like a door knob or railing, right into your sinuses and then throughout the body.
You must also be proactive in guarding your health by bolstering your immune system and ensuring that your sinuses are cared for. This includes making sure that you get plenty of sleep and exercise, as well as pay attention to your diet and supplement regimen. Certain nutrients have been shown to effectively support the immune system, such as xylitol--a sugar alcohol found in corn cobs and birch trees. Using a xylitol-based nasal wash can help prevent germs and irritants from settling into the sinuses. This is because xylitol creates a slick coating on the sinus membranes that keep invaders from attaching to tissues inside the nasal cavity. Additionally, taking oral xylitol daily has been shown in one study of 306 children to prevent roughly 40% of ear infections1--a condition that often accompanies or follows a bad cold.
Other ingredients, such as Beta Glucan, can also support sinus health. Beta Glucans are sugars found in cell walls of plants like oats and barley, and are used medicinally to help boost the immune system. Taken as a supplement, Beta Gucan helps support and normalize the immune response.2
The sinuses have the purpose of creating mucus in which to “catch” pollutants, micro-organisms, dust, and dirt. However, when they catch something like coronavirus, the sinuses provide the perfect breeding ground for infection. This is why it is vital to do what it takes to help prevent that from occurring:
1 - Wash your hands frequently (for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after you blow your nose, cough, or sneeze
2 - Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
3 - Avoid close contact with people who are ill
4 - Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces with a cleaning wipe or spray
By taking a few small steps, you can have a big impact on staying well as the novel coronavirus unfolds, as well as lessen your chances of catching a cold or flu. Ask your healthcare practitioner for more information about coronavirus and what you can do to stay healthy.
Uhari M, Kontiokari T, Koskela M, Niemelä M. Xylitol chewing gum in prevention of acute otitis media: double blind randomised trial. BMJ. 1996;313(7066):1180–1184.
Introduction to Beta Glucan Research. Accessed February 11, 2020.